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Name | John Doe | Primary Phone | (206) 123-4567 |
Address | 123 Main St | Secondary Phone | (206) 987-6543 |
City, State | Seattle, WA | | |
ZIP Code | 98104 | Own/Rent | Rent |
Current Insurer | Safeco | Coverage Type | State |
Expiration Date | 08/12/2025 | BI/PD/UI | $15,000/$30,000/$5,000/$25,000 |
City, State | Seattle, WA | | |
ZIP Code | 98104 | Own/Rent | Rent |
Name | John Doe | Birthdate | 10/08/1973 |
State Licensed | WA | Licensed Age | 16 |
Marital Status | Single | Gender | Male |
Occupation | Certified Public Accountant | Education | Bachelor’s Degree |
Credit Rating | Excellent | Comments | - |
Vehicle # | 1 | ||
Repossessions | No | Declared Bankruptcy | No |
SR22 | No | Incidents | No |
Manufacturer | Honda | Annual Distance (mi.) | 12,500 |
Model | Civic EX | Distance Driven (mi.) | 9 |
Sub Model | Civic Coupe 2 Door | VIN Prefix | 1HGEJ2120R00000000 |
Year | 2003 | Days Used | 5 |
Owned/Leased | Owned | Location Parked | Street |
Use | Commute/Work | Anti-Theft | Yes |